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Citizens for Safe Water Metro Moncton applaud Moncton Mayor, Dawn Arnold 
for requesting a halt to all glyphosate spraying near Metro Moncton's water reservoir.

Let your MLA know you stand with Mayor Arnold on protecting our watershed from herbicides,
glyphosate, considered to be carcinogenic by

California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) 
& a
"probable carcinogen" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Click here for an accurate & succinct article about the controversy of glyphosate
& why Quebec has banned aerial spraying on crown land as far back as 2001.

Our organizing committee is in communication with city officials,
members of Stop Spraying NB & the Conservation Council of NB
& will provide updates & calls to action here, by email & through our Facebook page.

Here's to Safe Water for All!!!

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