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On Sept.18, 2017 Moncton Council wisely chose to apply the precautionary principle and NOT fluoridate our water. Now for the glyphosate issue.
As the data presented throughout this website indicates, the ethics & safety of adding fluoride chemicals to public water is highly questionable.
Dental & public health associations' own guidelines for daily fluoride limits from dental products & fluoridated water are inconsistent & contradictory.
Furthermore, when it comes to water fluoridation, according to dentists including NB Dentist, Roger Richard, dental associations focus on defending & promoting 60 year old policies rather than acknowledge the lack of safety studies, people's overall fluoride exposure from all sources & the ongoing research indicating long term adverse effects from fluoridated water.
To make matters even more controversial, when municipalities fluoridate their water they do not use pharmaceutical grade chemicals which are used in dental products & prepared in laboratories to ensure high levels of purity. The vast majority of municipalities who still fluoridate actually add industrial grade fluoridation chemicals from the phosphate fertilizer industry that come with trace amounts of arsenic, lead and other contaminants.
To be clear, the trace amounts of arsenic, lead & other contaminants are so small that once diluted they usually do not exceed their regulated safe drinking water limits. However, as Paul Van Caulart, one of Canada's top water treatment experts, explains in his video presentation on this page, public water limits for arsenic, lead, & other contaminants were devised to regulate natural occurring levels of these toxins, & not to regulate the purposeful addition of these toxins. So there you have it, on top of all the controversy of increasing people's exposure to fluoride, fluoridated water is also a way for the phosphate fertilizer industry to sell their waste rather than pay to have it disposed of.
3 min: What are industrial
fluoridation chemicals
9 min: Paul Van Caulart,
Canadian Water Treatment Expert
No Safety
Note: One of the many loop holes used to add this stuff into municipalities' drinking water is that the chemicals receive what is called an NSF / ANSI 60 certification. This certification is how representatives of dental & public health associations reassure themselves & city councillors that these chemicals are somehow safe when diluted into drinking water. The only thing is the NSF certification does not include long term toxicity studies or human control trials which is how the long term safety of chemicals are determined. In fact, when people have gone digging, Health Canada & the US EPA admit they have no safety studies about the long term effects of these chemicals.
To summarize, we have no proper safety studies & published research indicating that fluoridated water can have long term adverse effects. We also have data showing when all sources of fluoride are considered, published data indicates that children living in non fluoridated regions are often ingesting amounts of fluoride that surpass recommended daily limits. Meanwhile US & CND dental & public health associations actively promote water fluoridation while ignoring & dismissing rigorous research whenever it contradicts their 60 year old policies.
These points & the data presented throughout this website helps explain why:
Hopefully more & more people will choose to learn the basic principles for evaluating the validity of data. After all, just like a juror in a court of law, we all have the capacity to seek clarification about what is the most relevant, verifiable & least biased evidence available for any particular controversy.
Whether we are an elected official, administrator, PhD or lay person, these are the skills we all need to learn & practice
in order to develop truly informed perspectives on any issue.
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